Luchi brings healing through his new single ‘Web Of Lies’

Singer-songwriter Luchi is roaring through with his latest single ‘Web Of Lies’, an emotive breakup anthem takes listeners on a darker journey. It further unveils the artist’s profound talent for tension-building and sentimental storytelling. From a Glasgow-based Italian family, Luchi has been invested in music from an early age. Taking a therapeutic stance to songwriting, his soulful voice and mature lyrics, drawn from personal experience, resonate deeply with listeners. This reintroduction to his listeners aims to bring healing through his honest and vulnerable storytelling.

His commanding performance wraps around you, immersing you in a whirlwind of heartbreak as crisp, forceful drums, airy sound design, and gentle piano chords echo in your ears. Each chorus roars with conviction, climaxing into a spellbinding crescendo that leaves you breathless. The song’s haunting backing vocals and adlibs create a sense of karmic retribution, as if the universe itself is delivering justice. Luchi’s ability to channel his personal pain into a therapeutic musical masterpiece is evident, his darker, edgier vibe showcasing a bold evolution in his sound.

”So I wrote “Web Of Lies” last year after a pretty bad breakup, which is the story of my life. Thank god for songwriting as it’s saved me from many a bad breakup. It was a relationship built on so many lies and that inspired the title of the song because one lie led to another and he had spun a web so thick that I don’t know how he kept track. Well he couldn’t and that’s how I worked it out but we digress. The song opens with how you fall into the trap as I am an over sharer and often will tell you my life story after only knowing you 5 minutes but that’s great for a narcissist who will then use that to play on all your insecurities. It weaves through all the games and manipulation sadly a lot of us experience in relationships and as the song goes on, the power builds up which I love and you finally say enough is enough and walk away from a toxic situation.

The song plays on the concept of karma and I love that. It feels like you’re almost being haunted with all the backing vocals and adlibs coming from all different angles. I’m not one of those people who breaks up with someone and wants revenge for the things they done, I leave that up to the universe to do onto them what they have done, I mean I will write a song about it but that’s my therapy. The song is a bit darker in vibe to the stuff I have been releasing recently and I like that it shows a different side to my music. I think it suits the song to be a bit more edgy and harder as it was actually written as a piano ballad and was a lot more vulnerable sounding but when I got together with my producer Chris Stagg, we just went for it and I love what we came out with. After a little 6 month hiatus, I think it’s the perfect way to reintroduce myself to my audience and sets up what I have to come for the rest of the year music wise experimenting with different sounds and styles while still keeping it pop.”

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