Don’t miss ‘Wild’ from Joshy Connor’s album Love Unknown

Joshy Connor’s track ‘Wild’ from his latest album, Love Unknown, is a masterful blend of introspection and melodic beauty. The song’s origin lies in poems written during pivotal personal moments, including the pandemic and an entrepreneurial journey. It exemplifies the artist’s ability to fuse genres seamlessly, incorporating elements of folk, pop, and neo-soul. His collaboration with Brazilian producer Murillo Sguillaro adds a unique dimension to the track, enhancing its sonic richness. This partnership highlights Joshy Connor’s willingness to experiment and push the boundaries of his sound, resulting in a piece that feels both innovative and deeply personal.

The track opens with a serene guitar riff that sets a reflective tone, gradually building into a rich, layered soundscape. Joshy’s vocals, both soulful and tender, convey a narrative of freedom and self-discovery, inviting listeners into his journey. The production, while polished, retains an organic feel, allowing the intricacies of the instrumentation to shine without overwhelming the core message. The lyrics are poignant and evocative, reflecting themes of resilience and exploration. Joshy Connor’s songwriting shines through in lines that capture the essence of his experiences and emotions during the creation of Love Unknown. His journey from poetry to music is evident in the song’s lyrical sophistication and emotional resonance.

I found myself unexpectedly writing and recording an album. Amidst the busyness of life—managing a small business, fatherhood, and all that entails—I have struggled to find time for songwriting over the past few years but started to read a lot, and try to write, poetry instead, which I could do in any moments that I had spare.”

Follow Joshy Connor on Instagram.

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