Purple Pop: Rose Brokenshire, LuCi, Sofia Carson, MYRANDAS, Danny L’Amour, Dalo Monnier, Alma Jette

In the ancient world, purple was originally the colour reserved for the imperial families of Rome, Persia and Egypt and while it’s no longer elitist, there’s still something special to be had to the red-meets-blue hue. Our Purple Pop selection showcases the most luxurious, beautiful and unmissable pop music finds for our ears to yours.

Rose Brokenshire’s single ‘Habit to Help’ immerses listeners in a sonic tapestry woven with oceanic tranquility and introspective musings. With ambient vocals and atmospheric layers, the musician crafts a serene listening experience that reflects her journey from folk roots to ambient electronic realms. As a Wildland Firefighter, her lyrics resonate with themes of self-reliance and inner strength, mirroring her own experiences navigating life’s challenges. ‘Habit to Help’ is a poignant reminder of the importance of self-care amidst adversity, inviting listeners to embrace moments of solitude and self-discovery. Rose Brokenshire’s evocative soundscapes offer solace and introspection in equal measure.

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Lu.Ci ignites the airwaves with her latest anthem ‘Freedom’. Following the triumph of her chart-topping hit ‘I Cried’, the artist returns with a fierce declaration of resilience. This new single serves as a rallying cry, empowering listeners to overcome life’s adversities and emerge stronger. The track’s powerful message resonates deeply, uniting audiences in a shared journey toward liberation. With a captivating music video accompanying the release, she continues to captivate global audiences with her edgy style and heartfelt lyrics. Having garnered acclaim from BBC Radio London and other prominent platforms, Lu.Ci’s ascent to success shows no signs of slowing down.

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Sofia Carson unveils the poignant narrative of heartbreak in her latest single ‘Joke’s On Me’, following the success of ‘I Hope You Know’. Penned alongside Johan Carlsson, the track delves into the aftermath of shattered illusions in love, with the singer’s emotive vocals serving as a conduit for raw emotion. The sparse yet poetic lyrics capture the essence of hurt and regret, set against a backdrop of haunting piano melodies and ethereal synth tones. Directed by Kyle Goldberg, the live performance music video adds another layer of authenticity to Sofia Carson’s storytelling prowess, solidifying her place as a multi-platinum artist with a gift for crafting timeless ballads.

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MYRANDAS’ latest release ‘Necesito Q Me Distraigas’ infuses a sizzling Caribbean vibe into the Los Angeles music scene. Penned and produced by vocalist Kristina Miranda and Grammy-winning engineer Marciel Miranda, the track marks the band’s foray into perreo territory, blending infectious beats with irresistible energy. The song humorously explores the dynamics of a relationship between a seemingly spoiled girl and a non-romantic guy drawn to her charms. With drummer Richard Herrera rounding out the trio, MYRANDAS’ unique fusion of Caribbean grooves, electronic elements, and catchy melodies promises an unforgettable Latin music experience.

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‘Don’t Hold Back’ showcases the genre-bending prowess as a Brooklyn-based solo artist Danny L’Amour. With a blend of psychedelic pop and indie rock, the artist delivers existential lyrics over catchy melodies, drawing inspiration from icons like David Bowie and Tom Petty. His sound, influenced by Tame Impala and The Strokes, adds a modern pop flair akin to Harry Styles. From calming love songs to upbeat dance tracks, Danny L’Amour’s versatility shines through, capturing the essence of human existence with every lyric. ‘Don’t Hold Back’ is a standout track from his debut album, Love is Drugs + Love is War, boasting top-tier vocals, groovy basslines, and funky guitar riffs that make it an instant classic.

Follow Danny L’Amour on Instagram.

Dalo Monnier’s single ‘What If’ transcends mere pop anthem status, becoming a universal exploration of the perennial question that haunts everyone: “what if?” With a catchy tune and infectious beats, the song delves into the uncertainties of past relationships, capturing the essence of curiosity about the roads not taken and the choices left unmade. Despite facing serious mental health challenges, Dalo’s passion for music remained unwavering, driving him to share his story and inspire others through his art. ‘What If’ serves as a testament to his resilience and determination to make a positive impact on the world, one heartfelt melody at a time.

Follow Dalo Monnier on Instagram.

Alma Jette, formerly known as Mary Bryce, unveils her enchanting single ‘Do You Remember’, a precursor to her debut album I Found A Reason. The track encapsulates the singer-songwriter’s emotive lyrical style and soulful vocals. With strings and saxophones adding depth, the song reminisces on past love, evoking tender nostalgia. Mary Bryce’s thoughtful arrangements elevate the emotional resonance, creating a captivating sonic experience. ‘Do You Remember’ offers a glimpse into the artistry of Alma Jette, setting the stage for an album poised to showcase her musical prowess and introspective lyricism.

Follow Alma Jette on Instagram.

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