Chatterbox: Nicki Wells chats 70s music, musicianship & authenticity

Hey Nicki Wells, thanks for taking the time to talk to us today. Could you tell us a little known fact about yourself?

I am an identical twin. Her name is Tanya Wells and she also sings. People often get us confused online but she’s in her own band Seven Eyes and lives in Brazil. 

What influences have gone into your sound recently?

Most recently Fleetwood Mac! I think the 70s are coming back! 

How would you describe your new single ‘The Night’ in five words?

Haunting, cinematic, dreamy, mysterious, evocative

What do you hope listeners will take away from your music?

That they are transported to a safe space where they can feel authentically themselves

What’s your favourite part about being an artist? And what’s the most challenging?

Favourite part is of course making music! The most challenging is making a living out of it! 

Do you have one piece of advice for fellow artists who are just starting out on their creative journey?

Take the time to find your own authentic sound. There’s only one of you out there. The more yourself you are, the more people will dig that. 

What are your plans for the rest of the year?

Releasing my album. Performing my album launch. Composing two contemporary dance shows. Touring China in October with a show that I composed the music for.

Follow Nicki Wells on Instagram.

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