Chatterbox: HOAX

Hey guys, where did the new single come from?

Someone once described our music as a feeling of beautiful sadness. I think they were right. We like to create music that feels like a thought. Often times with lyrics I like to keep them as unadulterated and as close to the emotion as I can. For “Brown (interlude)” the emotion was familiarity. Intimate deja vu. Meeting someone for the first time, and all throughout the conversation feeling like you know this person already because of the connection. Sometimes you see into the relationship further than just the moment you are at then (meeting the person). And sometimes you think that a relationship is going to go into a direction that it actually never goes. Whatever the case is there is this underlying phantom motion of familiarity that guides you throughout the whole conversation. And it is beautiful. 

Is there more content in the pipeline?

We are releasing a new song called “Pretty” 

“Pretty” is an observation. I wrote the song after going to multiple bars, clubs, enviornments and seeing how mistreated women are (in almost every sense, and how collectively its kind of a norm (WTF). From our experiences, a lot of times women are rated based on their physical appearance first, and then (if given the chance) on their actual personalities (intellect, passions, everything that makes them – them, etc.) second. The second verse is more about how I think that people are to being boxed into preconceived categories (especially women), when in reality we are all complex creatures and its not fair to be bogged down by someones desire to compartmentalize and index us into something that is understandable, on their terms. Someones inability to understand us should never be a determinant of who we are.

We are also working on our Debut EP “I AM DRUGS – EP” and will release one more single before the release of the project later this year. Also a music video is in the works for our newest single, and we will be playing shows all throughout the NYC area in preparation for the release. (We also release covers of our favorite songs frequently)

What’s on the horizon for you?

If our music accomplished one thing, it would be to inspire people to do what they truly love. Never settle, never stop. As for the music we will continue to make it and grow it as it has become our whole lives. Looking forward to sharing the new EP later this year. 

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